Grand Canyon

We went on a little road trip to the Grand Canyon last weekend. Kyle and I love going in July because there is usually afternoon thunderstorms. We stopped at Jacob's Lake to eat and get a shake (they have the best shakes there). When we first got into the park the feisty buffalo were blocking the road and the crazy tourists were trying to get close and take pictures. I think they forget that they could be killed in an instant by one of those beasts. Once we were got to the Grand Canyon we did a short hike to a point to take some pictures, then we picked up Gus a souvenir. His first cowboy belt, complete with Gun and canteen. It was funny after we put it on we were walking past some asians and they thought he was pretty cute and they kept saying oh cowboy, cute bang bang. hahahha. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily...I owe you $$$! So here's the shimmy...I do not know where you live! Making it difficult to deliver the mula...

    Could you email me your address so I can drop off the cash and then possibly begin stalking you :) supernik dot richins @ gmail dot com

