A Camping We Will Go

Gus had his first real tent camping trip a couple of weekends ago. The first night was kinda rough, I think it was because he was cold. Poor kid. He was a champ for his nap, and the next night was much better. I put two of my blankets on him, and every couple of hours he would whine and I would cover him up again with 3 feet high of blankets. He loved being outside and seeing the cows come to the property, and the deer run through at dusk. It was nice not camping with fire to me, Kyle thought otherwise. I just don't like smelling like smoke for days. Kyle researched a new tent for months and finally bought a Kodiak tent. It was really nice not having cheap tent and being able to walk throughout the tent upright! The last night Gus needed a serious bath! We heated some water, and put it in the biggest tupperware bowl we brought. Good thing he doesn't way much or he wouldn't have fit. He is his fathers boy, loved fishing with Kason. He loves binoculars, I need to buy him some cheap ones at Walmart. This kid has been so happy lately, knock on wood. He is even eating better which makes my life so much better. My mom weighed him today, and since his 18 month check up 2 months ago he has gained 3 pounds!!!! 


  1. So fun! We are going camping this weekend if you want to come. LOVE the picture of Gussy boy in the bowl....so cute. I agree about the fire - love the fire atmosphere (and s'mores), but hate the smoke and smell of it.

  2. Looks fun! I love camp fires but I do hate smelling like one! :)
