Ollie Boy at 6 Months

Ollie Boy at 6 Months
Weight: 15 pounds :: 8th percentile
Length: 25.25 in :: 9th percentile
Head Circ: 17.7 in :: 80th percentile

These pics are closer to 7 months then 6 months. We finally realized why Ollie looks so chunky, its his head. Unfortunately he gets it from me, my fam has big heads hopefully he grows into it soon. At 6 months Gus weighed .3 ounces more but was 1 inch taller as well. Ollie is my little squishy baby. He is such a happy boy, content as ever. 
He is not such a great sleeper though. He wakes up every 2-3 hours, I want to sleep train him. I'm worried to start though because he shares a room with Gus and heaven knows I don't want 2 boys awake crying at 3 in the morning. He still sleeps in our room with us, he looks so huge in the bassinet. To fall asleep he usually will take his pacifier and his silky and roll around for awhile until he falls asleep. Sometimes I have to bounce him. 
We started Ollie on food this month, he loves rice cereal, squash, yams, peas, he is so so with sweet potatoes. 
He is a roller. I will put him on the rug and next thing I know he has rolled across the room, usually to the rocking chair in the front room. He loves propping his feet up on something (like Kyle). So when he rolls to the rocking chair it is usually so he can prop his feet on it and push it with his feet. He sits up for a short period of time, I have been practicing with him everyday.
Ollie is a social guy, he loves when people talk to him. He has been pretty quiet until the last week or so, but now he jibber jabbers like crazy. He absolutely adores Gus when Gus isn't pestering him. 


  1. Baby Oliver is one good looking kid.....big head and all. I don't think his head looks that big. His eyes are big so I guess I'm drawn to them instead of the size of his head. Sorry no advice on the sleep training. All I can say is that I'm happy that it's not me. :)

  2. So cute! His head doesn't look big. But it sounds like he is pretty small other than that. Funny because Millie is just the opposite. Her head is small but she is really tall. Glad he's still a good baby. He is so cute!!!! Sorry about the sleeping. Maybe let him CIO in a pack and play in the living room for a few nights? You and kyle could take turns sleeping on the couch out there with him. Isn't fun for a few nights... but may be nice in the long run. Just an idea. Good luck!!!!

  3. The cute little turd has changed so much already! Make him stop it. Stop it now till I can get down there. Ps when are you guys going to come run the river with Marcus and I in Jackson? Gus would love it! Or.....he might scream his head off, no one knows. Worth a try either way.

    Big noggin....takes after his momma;). In like a 'you have a big brain or something' sort of way, duh althea.
