I feel so bad not updating on this cute little piece of heaven we call Oliver. With Gus I did it every month, but there never seems to be enough time to do it with Oliver. Really I hate waiting for my pictures to load, and my priorities have switched. Maybe too much time in the insta world who knows??
This little boy is a dream boat, nothing short of a slice of your favorite dessert mine would be strawberry shortcake. His usual schedule goes as follows. Wakes around 8 by talking and cooing and giggling to himself. He must eat, first things first, just like his momma. He takes a nap around 10 for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. His next nap is around 1 ish, he likes to sleep on and off until 4 or so during this nap. He likes to take another nap around 6-7 for 30 minutes or so. Then he goes to bed anywhere from 9-10.
He still eats every 2 hours, just like Gus. Why do my kids do this??? I am going to start him on rice cereal this week, hopefully that will help. He loves chewing on his teether toy
He loves when Gus gives him any sort of attention, and will smile from ear to ear or even laugh. Gus loves him so much, we bring Oliver with us to wake Gus up now which has been nothing short of genius on our part. Gus usually cries and whines when we wake him, but when we bring Oliver in he just sits right up and starts talking to Ollie boy saying things like "good morning brother" "sleep good"
We think this little boy is teething, he is always drooling and chewing on his fingers. The last couple of days he has been unusually whiney, I think it may be from his teeth but then the other night I noticed he was pulling on his ears.
He is so dang cute. Did his teeth come it?