2 Weeks

2 Week Check Up
Weight 7.6 lbs 21%
Length 20.5 46%
Everyone that sees Oliver in person says he is so much smaller than his pictures make him out to be. I think it is his full kissable cheeks! He is such a good baby, only cries when he is hungry or gassy. I still haven't had dairy and he hasn't had any gas issues other than the day we ate at Cafe Rio. Oliver randomly has projectile vomit, it amazes me his stomach can hold so much milk! He is starting to be awake more which is fun, we can keep him up in the evening for a little over an hour! He loves taking a real bath now that his umbilical cord and circumcision has healed. He wakes up most nights 2 times which is a dream come true. Overall he is such a sweet baby!


  1. So cute. I can't believe it's been two weeks already. Also so happy is a good baby. Kiss those cheeks a hundred times for me.

  2. Look at this scrumptiousness! I can't believe we haven't met him. We want to come down this week - Tuesday or Wednesday? I have something for him that I don't want him to grow out of!!
