Hunt 2012 Part 1

Kyle drew out for the hunt this year. We spent the entire week every evening hunting. Gus and I took lots of crazy pictures of ourselves while Kyle was hiking around to pass the time. Gus pretended to drive the Jimmy every chance he got, and we searched endlessly for that perfect deer. The first picture is of Kyle on the first morning of the hunt. We were on Smith's Mesa and just about to leave when he looked over and saw a buck. He jumped out ran around the car about 3 times trying to find the perfect position. He shot at that dumb buck at least 5 times, and we both thought he nailed it. Gus was sleeping quietly during this time. At this point Kyle starts running after it, as I looked back I saw it prancing away. Kyle swears he nailed it and heard a thud. He spent at least 4 hours searching for it and even took my brother Chance back up later that day to help him track it down. They didn't find any blood, but saw 3 spots where it had laid down... Darn buck got away. We spent the majority of our time on Smith's and didn't see another deer besides that buck. To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Fun. Brings back the good ol days. I can't believe Kyle drew out. I do believe he cried for over a decade about the spike he shot when he was around 16.
