Get A Grip

Girls Camp 2010: Get A Grip
Food was delish
Ooga Booga
The Entertaining Game
Oocha Coocha
The Iron Rod leading us to the tree of life


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. NOONI- so glad that we can share crap through our blogs! there are a few things i gotta tell you though...

    1. love the wedding pictures way cute...wish we could of come...
    2. excited for the baby...and that it is healthy...
    3. love your hair...it looks awesome

  3. Man, I am jealous! I miss being in YW so much and girls camp is the best! I'm sure you're way fun to have as a leader!

  4. I am so sad I will miss girls camp this year. I might be in the hospital having a baby that week instead! Although it's different being in the Stake... the connection with the girls isn't the same. But there are other benefits so I guess there's good with everything.

    Leesha and Onjali said they were doing to call you to meet us for dinner. I didn't know you couldn't make it. I'm sad, I was hoping to see you! My good friend is having a baby shower for me July 17th. I have an invitiation I was going to bring for you. So send me your mailing address and I'll put it in the mail for you. My mom and sister are coming down. If you can come I'd love to see you, but no pressure. Hope things are going well for you!!
