
About a month ago I attended Wacky Wednesday (trying to become domesticated you see;) a day our Relief Society puts aside for strict craft making. While I was there a couple of lady's in my ward had these cute vintage Singer Featherweight sewing machines. So I went straight home and bid on ebay to see how high the bidding would go, well needless to say it didn't go as high as I thought because I won the bid. Below is my winning. I absolutely love it, the project below the machine is my first finished project done by my 1936 featherweight. It is a car seat canopy I made for my sister in law Summer who just had a baby (the natural way to boot:)


  1. It is adorable...both the sewing machine and the car seat cover. It really turned out pretty cute. I am truly thinking a craft/sewing night. Come on Em lets just do it. I need to make Meg some skirts since she loves dresses so much.

  2. Wow you should of started a long time ago because you are amazing. It looks great and your machine is cute heck you don't even have to use it just set it on a shelf and it would be impressive.

  3. You are always doing amazingly fun things. Will you teach me how to make one of those car seat thingies??? I need one in about 20 days!! Love ya this much {>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<} !!

  4. P.S. It really is more than it looks like!!

  5. You're more domesticated that I am because I don't even know how to sew! Maybe I'll have to check out those sewing machines on ebay....
