What I remember most about December is morning sickness and being sick. My morning sickness began in December and it was awful. I forgot how awful it truly is. Then to top it off Gus, Oliver and I got sick Christmas Eve and we remained sick until the middle/end of January. I got pleurisy on top of the bronchitis and it hurt to sneeze, cough (which I was doing a lot of), laugh, roll over, anything. So this is just a happy happy post about being sick and hating the month of December this year! Kyle was so frustrated with being sick! We laugh because for Fast Sunday in January he fasted that we would be healthy and there wasn't a day in January that someone wasn't sick. He thinks he needed to learn to be thankful for our health. 

Lets move on to happier times. Archie the elf came and the boys were so excited. He brought them Santa pajamas, and he continued coming till Christmas Eve. To tell you the truth he was kinda a slacker this year, dang Archie. Gus was so excited about Christmas this year. It is such a different holiday when you have kids. I feel like they bring out the best of me during every holiday. It is all about them and others and less focus on myself. There are times when they bring out the absolute worst in me too. Especially when I'm sick, no patience at all in this mommy. 

We got our privacy fence in the backyard installed by Funder Welding. We love it, others hate it. Its pretty modern and pretty incredible. Now we can run around nakey and only the crazy cat neighbor will be able to see. Lucky guy. Lucky cats. 

We went to the ranch the beginning of December and cut down a small tree for Oliver and Gus' room. It looked so small at the ranch but once we brought it in we realized it was bigger than expected. Gus loved it. It was magical seeing the twinkling lights in his room. I loved the smell too, until the morning sickness hit, now when I think about it I want to vomit. 

My dear friend Tricia bought her grandma's house and when they were cleaning out some cupboards she found her great grandma's ornaments. She was so sweet and new I would cherish them like her and she gave me two! I was incredibly grateful and touched that she thought of me. I proudly hung them high in my tree. 

We had our annual WWF Christmas party. Kyle brought the awesome autographed picture of himself, which everyone fought over and Jim and Naomi ended up with it. It was hilarious. I thought the photo was the perfect autographable picture when I came across it. It just rang bay watch to me. 

A lot of trapping happened in December. A couple of bobcats were caught I think, I'm pretty sure a few coyotes were as well. This is the first year Kyle dared take Gus out alone with just he and him. Gus thoroughly loves going out with him. He comes back with pockets full of cool rocks and treasures. Gus told me the other day that they forgot to say a prayer before they started, but remembered later and said one. I often think is this kid mine for reals? He is just the best sometimes!

Oliver. He is my little slice of heaven that doesn't talk very much. He loves to snuggle, and will kiss me multiple times a day just because. I was sad the other day (which you will find out about in February's post) and he just kept kissing me all day. He is very in tune to others feelings. Sometimes he sweet about it, but not always. Poor kid can't communicate very well, but he is a dreamboat with his curly locks.

We did the 12 days to a family down the street from us. We went in with MaryLu and Kyle's mom which was a lot of fun. Funny Story! I cringe just thinking about it. So Kyle and I bought the kids coats from H&M. Kyle had added some stuff to the cart on the website and I didn't pay very much attention to the items. So the coats got here, I opened the box took out the packing slip then closed the box and wrapped it up. So later that evening after we had delivered them I was looking at the packing slip and my heart sunk. One of the things kyle added to the cart was a plastic Christmas ornament, but the doozy was what was inside this particular ornament. Inside the ornament was... a red lace thong. My heart sunk. I had just delivered a red lace thong to our 12 days family. I literally almost died, and still want to when I think about it. So I started freaking out and told Kyle. He said Emily you need to go down and write a letter and deliver right now. So I wrapped another present, explained what had happened, and delivered another gift. I wanted to disappear. So the next couple of days there was a gift bag on their front porch when we delivered our gifts, but thought maybe it was just trash or something. Then one night kyle grabbed it. Guess what was in the bag. Yep! The Christmas ornament. She wrote a letter back saying they had not opened the gift yet, so the kids didn't see the unmentionables, and to not worry about it. That made me feel slightly better, but still can you just imagine?!!!!!! Only I would do something like that! Dang Kyle!!

There is a picture of the garbage man giving the boys a present. Kyle randomly gives him gift cards throughout the year, mainly around leaf season because we have so many bags of leaves. Well he wanted to get our boys something. I almost cried. It was so sweet. He gave them both garbage truck that make sound and have their own garbage cans. Kyle looked them up on Amazon and each one was $25. Seriously we have the best garbage man. He is the best. Kyle called his work to get his name, and to tell his Supervisor what an awesome guy he is. His supervisor was very impressed and said he is a thoughtful guy! 

For Christmas we got a new basketball hoop, which Kyle loves more than the boys. Gus got a new awesome bike! Oliver got a wiggle car. We were spoiled by old Saint Nic, and had a very good and sick Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Em. I was laughing so hard my eyes were watering at that 12-days story. That is a classic!!!! Something that will be remembered for years to come, and I'm sure elaborated on. :)
