Oliver's Blessing

Oliver was blessed on March 2nd. My nephew Kason was getting baptized so we thought it would be a great day to have a blessing as well. Kyle gave Oliver a fantastic blessing, it was so sweet. Oliver wore Kyle's blessing outfit just like Gus did. It was a tough decision to make, on one hand I want them to have their own outfits so they can hand them down to their kids, but Kyle said they can just share the outfit among their families. Who knows, maybe their wives won't even let their kids wear it?! It is the cutest little outfit, and Oliver was a dreamboat in it! I was not very good at the picture taking, I didn't get any with Kyle's parents, Bruce said he was feeling sick when I tried to hand over Oliver and then it got so crazy I didn't even try with Linda!! Grandma and Grandpa Ballard (Oliver's Greats) were sad they couldn't make it, grandma got some teeth pulled and wasn't feeling very good since!! We made soup and fruit pizza for after it! Thank you to everyone that was able to make it!!


  1. The blessing outfit is so cute! And now I'm craving fruit pizza :)

  2. Sounds like a special day! I love Gus' face in your silly family picture! You have a gorgeous family Emily!

  3. Ok, so I wasn't in the cute picture but once again I was there. I was being a good sister and vaccuming all the cookies off the floor in the church. I know I am unforgettable so don't forget me! :) It was a perfect day.

  4. Love Love Love the picture of Emily and Oliver and Kyle and the boy's. love love

  5. I thought I left a comment awhile ago, but obviously I just thought about it. What an adorable family you have. Love the slobber on your sleeve in the picture with you and Oliver. :) The joys of motherhood. What happened to Gus' eye? I'm sure Kyle did a great job on the blessing too. Grant and Gus need to play! Grant LOVES baseball and soccer and football (anything with balls), and he loves to ride his bike. Wish you were coming this weekend. Can't wait to come squeeze that baby.
