New Beginnings

Whilst in the young womens you get to help plan and execute certain things like new beginnings. I had one of the young women help me execute this gathering for a ten hour project. I am very glad she was willing to help because we had a lot to do. The theme was centered around a talk by Marvin J Ashton found here it is a very good talk I highly recommend it. So since it was V-day only two days ago we did the whole heart theme.

On another note. I bought one of those nifty indoor mini green houses so I can start growing some herbs. The little plants decided to come to life last week, and I am so excited about them.


  1. Cute as always. I love the font you used. What is it? Did you make those cupcakes? If so I want the recipe for the frosting and how you did it. They look yummy.

    I will let you know when the Chateu el Food es Goodo starts taking reservations. You can use the gift certificates then. :)

  2. I miss being in Young Womens so much! What is your calling? What a cute idea, it looks like you did a great job!

  3. Working in YW is time consuming, but what better way to spend time!?! Super cute ideas, I am in the stake and get to attend all the ward's programs so it's fun to see all the different ideas people come up with. We need to meet in St. George for lunch sometime.
