Tribute To Kyle

Is It True? Has Kyle Finally Grown The BEST Mustache?

Better Than The Poor Guy At A Restaurant In Cambria?

He Thinks He Is Literally Going To Grow One For The Wedding.

I Think Not.


  1. Oh you nasty, nasty human. The hurricane police force will be happy to have you though. Them, or the Hurricane Correction Center...either or

  2. Hey Emily! I feel so dumb not even knowing you have a blog since I am constantly blog stalking people :) Congrats again on the wedding - it sounds like it is going to be beautiful!!!!

    As for the mustache, all I can say is I feel for you. My husband, Ryan, is very obsessed with mustaches and would have a different style every week if I would let him (the crazier the better he thinks) but I won't even let him get to the 3rd day :)

    I can't wait to start reading about your wedding planning adventures. Good luck!!!

  3. Don't get too mad Em, Kyle just has mustache growing skills along with his bowstaff skills.

  4. Wow... that is impressive. Seriously, what is the deal with nasty stache's?? Aaron went through a mustache growing phase too, but luckily for me he didn't keep it for the wedding. Good luck!

  5. Hi Everyone,
    I personally think Kyle's mustache is pretty cute, but if Grandpa Statton were here, he would say that people who where beards and mustaches are just too lazy to shave...haha
    I spoke with a person at the Kona Temple today, and you will need to bring your own Temple clothes. Love to you all, PROUD Momma Becky xoxo
