
One of the few decisions I have to make for our wedding is who will be doing the photos. So far I have THREE I like. Who do you like the best? I figure I should start to make some decisions.





  1. Emily,
    I liked them all. So I can't help much yet. The third one has some awesome pictures that are actually in Kona. Is the first one in Hawaii? It looked like it said she was from SLC. When I get to really look at them again I will let you know my favorite.

  2. The third one was nice because they know where to take pictures in Kona; however, I didn't think they were the best pictures. I like the 1st and 2nd the best due to quality. If I abolutely had to choose I'd probably go with the 2nd. The only reason is because I like "unposed" pictures and the 2nd seemed to capture nice random shots. Any of them will probably do a great job so it's a win-win situation.

  3. Wow, Summer picked the one I picked for you! :) Actually she just put what I was thinking into better words. I agree with Summer. The 3rd knows some good places for Kona pictures, put Natalie Norton just takes some awesome candid pictures.

  4. My vote would be for the third photographer the shots where they are by the ocean and the waterfall are amazing.

  5. I would say the third one... it looks like they specialize in weddings and probably have a lot of great options as far as locations, and knowing the area. Seemed pretty creative too... picking your photographer is probably one of the hardest things, but they all looked pretty good.
