JUNE 2017

Cute pic of Nicholas on his mission. He is doing so well in France. This lady was trying to walk the Camino in Spain or somewhere and ended up in the hospital in France where Nicholas was so he went and gave her a blessing. The priesthood is amazing.

My only kid that semi likes animals. I think we need a dog to cure them.

Sometimes these kids are the nicest, cutest, most friendly boys to each other. It's really hit or miss.

Jack... Thats really all you can say

For some reason he wanted his shoes to be right by his head? Jack...

Best thing about swimming in the Summer are the ripe blackberries we can pick at Grandma Linie's.

One of our many trips to Kolob this Summer. Kayaking, fishing, and napping. We  hung Grandma Scholzen's pencil sharpener in the pantry. Gus loves to sharpen all of the pencils now. It gets them super sharp too. A teachers dream sharpener

For some reason I drove my mom's old bug around this Summer. I can't remember if its because we sold our mdx and were waiting for the right van or what. Funny story. One day during morning sickness the only thing that sounded good for lunch was Subway, so I loaded all of the kids in the bug with no shoes, looking homeless because when you have morning sickness you do only the necessities everyday like feed the children not clothe or do hair. So needless to say the Holy Ghost said to put shoes on everyone, but morning sickness said just get in the car and go before Subway doesn't sound good anymore. So on our way back the car quits working in the middles of an intersection. Good samaritans came and pushed me to the gas station which was right there luckily. Put gas in it, wouldn't star... So another good samaritan took us home looking homeless and all.

Most nights Jack ends up on the couch to sleep. Sometimes I will come in and Oliver will be asleep next to him snuggling. Oliver is the most snugly kid ever. He loves snuggles. I think his love language is physical touch.

I think I have a picture of all of my kids putting on Grandma's lip gloss at church. Whatever makes the time go by right?!

Our 2 favorite missionaries Elder Lee and Elder Haws. It's so hard to have other missionaries after these 2. Especially Elder Lee (blonde). He is going to do great things. I recently went to the Stake Relief Society fireside and the mission President's wife spoke afterwards we had to go take a picture with her and tell her how awesome Elder Lee was, he was their assistant and just got transferred to Richfield. She raved about him as well. He was raised by his Grandma because his parents were druggies. He is what I hope my kids grow up to be.

All of these were the same day. Ashlee, Jackson, Elder Lee, Elder Haws, 2 spanish missionaries, ad my offspring and me went on a hike in Colorado City. It was so hard. I carried Jack on my back the entire time in a backpack. I had morning sickness. We started late so it was one million degrees, it was so so hot. My kids were troopers though so we walk/hike for forever and never find the cool place they were promised was there. Just look at that pic of the kids sitting in the dirt. It was miserable. The missionaries can't hold kids so they just trudged along.When we got back April had invited us swimming so we took her up on it. I rewarded them after the hike with slurpees. Then that same night Gus was doing a backflip on the diving board and hit his head. 6 staples later. He was ok

I didn't cook much because I was so sick. I think my kids lived on Nutella, ketchup, and peanut butter, oh and you can't forget dino chicken nuggets. Poor things

Found this little guy chilling in my kitchen one day.

Oliver can officially climb the tree now. My rule is if you can't get up and down by yourself then you can't climb in the tree. I have neighbor kids asking me all day if I can lift them up. nope.

One of the things we did to try to pass the sick days away. Shaving cream fight.

More days spent at Kolob.

Miss Bris trying to join the bike gang.

The summer was spent watching TV with me laying on the couch trying not to throw up, so anything we could think of to do that required minimal work we did. So underwear painting outside with lemons was a must. MaryLu rescued us and had us swim with Bris in her spa.

Jack... Jack was sick one weekend so we couldn't go to Kolob. Our reward, finding this snake in our house. We were both so scared. I screamed which scared Jack, he was shaking he was so scared.

Father's day. Kyle is such a great Father. We love him lots. I think we got him that game Slammo.


Swimming when Shell always ends with a tasty treat

We watched Sage while Bruce and Linie went to the Wilson's for Ava's baptism. Jack loves Sage a lot.

For some reason I watched Bris one day so she helped us water Grandma Linie's garden. So much pressure being left to water her garden in the Summer. That thing is a masterpiece. It got us out of the house so I was thankful for that.

Gus captured a usual morning sickness summer day. Me laying around, kids just surfing

June, all I remember was the morning sickness feeling and thinking we are barely surviving. It was so much worse this time around. I threw up loads, Dr. Lunt said that is very normal to feel worse. I thought for sure I wouldn't have morning sickness this time. I have lots and lots of empathy for people going through morning sickness, the hard part is no one says they are pregnant until week 12, which is when you start feeling a little relief. My sickness lasted longer this time though. I didn't feel 100 percent until mid to late August this time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Em, I wish I lived by you so I could have helped. I empathize with you too. I only had/got to do it once, but it was awful, and you're right, you don't feel like doing ANYTHING!! I love that Jack is naked most of the time. :)
