The end of October

The end of October was filled with a 1920's Halloween party, a trip to the ranch, carving pumpkins, Nicholas' birthday, FHE at the track to see if Danny really could do a lap around the track in 1 minute, dinner with Gus' girlfriend Macy and her parents, a trip to the grandparents on Halloween to show them how cute the aviators looked and of course we ended October with Halloween at my moms with the nieces and nephews. We always go to Roy's house he loves to see Gus and Oliver and he gives the best  treats on Halloween. He gave each boy a box of cereal, a full sized candy bar, and a capri sun. Gus loved his costume this year, he still does actually. Halloween day is full of stress for me, I usually wait until the very last minute to do my costume. I spray painted those orange sticks as Kyle was loading the  boys in the car. I was going to go as Amelia Earhart but lack of planning on my part left me with no Amelia costume. Our pumpkins are kinda laughable now that I look at them in picture form. We didn't get the pumpkin carving skill as you can see. I love Halloween and I don't know why. I think I get it from my mom she dresses up every year. This year she was peter pan, she has a huge trunk in her basement full of costumes plus two or three tupperwares full. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh your planes are so cute!!!! Love it. Need to see you guys some time. Come down on a Saturday and the boys can golf and we can chat!
