The chunk

I had to capture his double chin he has been working on this past week. I love this pic because it shows his butt chin just like his dads:)

we are trying to adjust to our new life as parents. Gus has been so much fun this past week minus the no sleep hours of the night. For some reason he thinks it is perfectly normal to be wide awake from 12-1 and 3-4 in the morning, and that is not counting the hours I am awake feeding the little chunk. He had an appointment on Monday and he dropped to 6.7 four days later he got his foreskin removed and had gained 12 ounces. That is 4 ounces short of 1 pound in four days, he loves to eat!! Like his mom an dad:)


  1. Seeing pictures of him makes me want to hold him SOOOOO badly. Amazing how identical Kyle and Gus' chins are. He looks so different already. Crazy how they change everyday.

  2. He is soooo cute! I want to come hold him again too. Can we just steal him for awhile? :) I can't believe he has a double chin already!

  3. cuuuute! i am so excited to come see him!

  4. You two he is just precious! So cute!!! He is getting big, well compared to the very first picture that I saw of him. ;) Congrats!!!

  5. He is such a cutie!! and such an adorable picture of him sleeping with his daddy :)

    I don't know what your night time routine is, but what really helped my girls figure out night time was for sleeping was that from bedtime until morning time I would keep the lights off (and just had a small nightlight on all the time to see for the feedings and diaper changing) and I wouldn't smile, talk or have any interactions...it was all business, no matter how adorable they were trying to be. It seemed to really help them figure out that the wee hours or the morn was not play time! :)

  6. Cute, cute pictures :) I love chunky babies and chubby cheeks :) We are going through the exact same sleep dilemas with Miles. He loves to sleep all day then stay awake during the night. How are you feeling?

  7. We're so glad we got to meet him! He is a cutie. It is so fun to watch them get chunky!

  8. So cute! Glad you are enjoying things. Good luck during those long nights. It's totally exhausting so I feel so bad for you! Marshall still wakes up too much for my liking. But your Gus is adorable.
